Crapaud Céleste

The Celestial Toad was born in 2021. It is therefore a tadpole barely out of the egg but what vitality!

Driven by the passion of youth, he creates games with every turn of his legs. From celestial, he inherited the desire to discover new horizons, which is why the games of the Celestial Toad explore different paths in all directions,

Currently, at Crapaud we are looking for a way to put an end to endless game turns and future releases are digging this furrow. Breaking the habits of turn-based games, deconstructing the rules that force us to wait three hours to move our pawn, it's ambitious but at Crapaud rêveur nothing is impossible.

TOTEMIX is the game that hatches from the first egg in the range. With its original mechanics, totemix laid the foundations and, with its muscular little legs, gave the impetus to the rest of the adventure.

ETHERIUM has successfully completed its Kickstarter and is scheduled for release in March 2025.

MECHANIMAL is still in development..

Three games coming in 2025...


Etherium, Totemix

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