We create a game about an endangered monkey species. Play this highly strategic game and help us to protect the red-shanked DOUC.
In 2016, I decided to start the journey of a lifetime. At that time, I couldn't imagine where that journey would lead. My desire was to travel by train as far east as I could... from Europe across Russia, Mongolia and China. I knew I would meet people whose language I didn't speak. So, in preparation for this trip, I learned traditional card games from those regions. With that knowledge I was able to connect with people on that rides that lasted for days. Sometimes I spent hours playing cards with the locals on the train. This integrated me and made me a part of their community. It showed me how games can connect people from all cultures, even if they TRANSSIB 2016 I not only met incredibly nice people from all over the world, but also saw many beautiful animals. One day I was in a jungle surrounded by playfull monkeys who tried to steal all my things. At that moment I knew that I wanted to create a language-independent card game about monkeys. INDONESIA 2016 Back in Germany, I sketched out the initial idea. I bought some white playing cards and started experimenting. Over the next 2 years I sporadically worked on my idea. When Vietnam reopened its borders, l immediately decided to travel there to find DOUCs in the wild. When I told friends about the idea, they immediately said they wanted to come along. And so we flew to Vietnam in May 2022 for about a SON TRA-VIETNAM - MAI 202Z It was an incredible time for us. We visited Tuan, a friend from Vietnam, who helped us find the right spots in the jungle. I will never forget the moment I saw the DOUCs for the first. Throughout the entire process of creating this game, friends and family helped me every step of the way from the first If you made it this far while reading, thank you so much!