Precision Sports Games
Precision Sports Games launched for the first time in January 2017, and ever since has been a home for table top, dice and chart, sports replay games. However, our history goes further back than that.
The first ever games were created in late 2012. They would, over four years later, following rewrites to optimise them to become much more playable and less of a chore, turn into our first paid sets - Precision Archery (not updated since 2019) and Precision Handball. That this happened was mainly down to the urging and direct promotion of Joe Bryan and Sideline Strategy Games, where Precision Sports Games would open for business in January 2017.
Following that launch, both individual and team sports would be catered to - with the additions of Precision Biathlon and Precision Ski Jumping for the former and Precision Field Hockey for the latter. Over the next three years, customers and interest would increase, but that would be accelerated greatly by our most successful launches to date, between late 2019 and mid 2020 of our three Precision Rugby games - one each for 7s, 13s and 15s (a 9s edition has also been outlined to complete the quartet, and may one day be released too, if that code is ever played again in real life).
Following its historic inaugural appearance on the highest stage of sport in Tokyo, our most recent game - Precision Street Basketball - was launched in 2021. Unfortunately, the arrangement with Sideline Strategy Games was ended due to unforeseen personal circumstances, in August 2022. So that is why you are here on this website today!
All of our games based on individual sports come with individual player cards, designed to closely resemble actual performance in a given tournament, year or season, rated within our game models. All of our games based on team sports are rated based on team performances in a given tournament, league, year or season, and have team-based cards. So your replays can be solely played by finding a final score and team-based stats that bring about that result. They do however all come with the add-on option of finding some individual statistics, such as scoring or goalkeeping saves.
As Precision Sports Games approaches its sixth anniversary, we hope customers old and new will join us on our continued journey!
Precision Archery, Precision Biathlon, Precision Field Hockey, Precision Handball, Precision Rugby, Precision Ski Jumping