Pallanguli - a traditional mancala challenge from India!

Published: Wed 15th Jan

There are many members of the mancala family, and this group of games from India features a chaining of cycles on each turn.
Instead of seeding one set of seeds around the board, the turn continues to sow seeds again and again until they reach an empty pit. Then, if the next pit beyond that empty one has seeds in it, they are taken out for later scoring. One more interesting way to score is pits with exactly four seeds. As soon as such a condition is met, the owner of the pit collects those four seeds for scoring — often in the midst of a turn.
The first few turns are a bit tedious, but the later game gets more like the mancala most of us are familiar with.
Definitely worth a try! And if you, dear viewer, are familiar with this game from your own family or cultural traditions, let me know if I explained this adequately!

More info can be found at

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