Ep: 47 - Isle of Cats Review!

Published: Mon 17th Apr

Grab your fish and baskets and join the Dice Pirates crew as we embark on a review of  Isle of Cats! Join the gang as they break down this surprisingly complex cat game, rave about tiny metal suitcases, and raise a glass in the memory of Klaus Teuber and the legacy of Catan.
[00:00:00] Intro
[00:01:35] Matt gets on the soapbox to talk about MAYBE the best single board game component
[00:09:48] The crew take a moment to celebrate the proud legacy of Klaus Teuber
{00:18:08] Ian kicks off our full episode review of Isle of Cats
[00:38:40] Outro
Other Games Discussed This Episode: Settlers of Catan
-  Intro and Outro Music - "A Robust Crew by Darren Curtis"