#15 BGG's Top 2001
This week, on Shelf Knizia, we talk to you about the latest Knizia's we played followed by a revisiting of the 100 Knizias to Knizia before you Knizia. Later on, Tom shares a Kniziafeed article about The Great Doctor followed by our main topic: why Knizia is so great. Oh yeah, and Tom talks about 9/11. Games we played: 3:24 - Nusfjord (2017, Uwe Rosenberg, Lookout) 7:57 - Monopoly Deal (2008, Katharine Chapman, Hasbro) 15:36 - Tigris & Euphrates (1997, Reiner Knizia, Mayfair) 24:40 - Bee Alert (2012, Reiner Knizia, SimplyFun) 28:21 - MTG Jumpstart (Bonus) 100 games before you die: 31:37 - Codenames (2015, Vlaada Chvatil, CGE) Topic: 35:39 - BGG's Top 2001 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fO1TyzHMNi4 Sourced from Jarrod Carmichael and Patrick Zoch Songs: 100 Games to Play Before You Die by Michael, Tyler, Devon, and Josh of The Boise RainBeaus ROT by Bone Haus https://bonehaus.bandcamp.com/album/in-mourning