Devilish Games (Themestorm)

Published: Fri 8th Nov

On this, the 666th episode of Pick Up & Deliver, Brendan talks about games themed around demons and devils. Join us, won't you?Devil's Run: Route 666 (2016)Demonic workplacesDemon Worker (2016)The Good PlaceGood OmensDealing with the DevilDeal with the Devil (2022)FaustThe Devil Went Down to GeorgiaBedazzledOh God, You DevilProtecting a village from an onslaught of demonsGhost Stories (2008)Mr. VampireArmy of DarknessNumber of The BeastBeast (2022)Kingdom Death: Monster (2015)The Witcher: Old World (2023)PreyWhat devlish movies and games would you add to this list? Head over to boardgamegeek Guild #3269 and share your thoughts!