EP05 - Talkin' Tabletop Podcast
Welcome everyone to the Talkin' Tabletop Podcast hosted by Mista Rau Gaming. This is a board gaming podcast that is full of conversations from different board gamers in and around the hobby. Each segment is a contribution from a different creator!
0:00 Intro
3:09 Comic Book Yeti - Comic Book Yeti contributors talk gaming and D&D Onslaught and comics
23:08 Colourblind Games - Is it possible to develop a Universal Colorblind Code for board games?
30:58 Meeple & The Moose - Building a Top 100 List
35:09 DaniCha - My top Board Game Plays in March 2024
45:27 JenCam - How I got into board games and content creation
55:17 Tyler Lance - Multiplayer Games with Great Solo modes
1:05:01 Mista Rau Gaming - Celebrating 2 Years of YouTube Content Creation
Links to everyones content:
Comic Book Yeti: https://www.comicbookyeti.com/
Colourblind Games & episode related content: https://colorblindgames.com/2023/04/19/universal-colorblind-code/https://petervelnl.blogspot.com/2021/11/vision-encoding-language.htmlhttps://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2916285/creating-a-colorblind-code-for-board-games
Meeple & The Moose: https://meepleandthemoose.com/
DaniCha: https://www.youtube.com/user/thecommonfactor
Jen Cam: https://www.youtube.com/@JenCamPlaysBoardGames